
Here’s the latest on the race to be the World’s Greatest Pinball Player.

Source: IFPA Op-Ed: #1 Races: World Greatest, Women, Youth, plus Circuit and more – IFPA Op-Ed: #1 Races: World Greatest, Women, Youth, plus Circuit and more

Bob Matthews has the latest on the WPPR chase with analysis and predictions on who will be the world’s top player at the end of the year.

OK. So does this mean I’m ranked sixth, but according to this month’s way to Nerf the SuperLeague, I’m practically seventh? Philosophically seventh? Emotionally seventh? Surreptitiously seventh? Oh, I know! Suspiciously sixth!

Also, hey now! Only one spot lost under this alternate system.

Player10/12 WPPRsRankAlt. WPPRsAlt. Rank% NYC area
Steven Bowden914.416838.70733%

Does this earn me my tour card? Is this sufficient? I don’t know … (are you kidding? It’s NEVER enough … NEVER … never …)

#Vindication #CircuitEvents #BlackHole #LockBox #NotTheLocalHero #ItWouldBeNiceToWinAMajorThough #The2015ExpoWinWasNotAMajor #ItUsedToBeLikeThePlayersChampionshipInGolf #TheFifthMajorThatIsNotOne #NotAnymore #EvilSuperLeague #JustHadAnotherSuperLeagueFinal #IHopeIWonIt #SpoilersIDidWinIt #ForgotToLiveStreamIt #TryingToHoldOnToPlayerOfTheYear #ItsGettingClose #AreYouNotEntertained #IDontKnowWhatImTalkingAboutAnyMore #IveStoppedCaring #WhyAreYouStillReadingThis #ThankYouForStillReadingThis #LoveYouLoveYourShow
