NPD Heartbreaker-Maxwell Smart2

A difference of 0.00513%

Heartbreaker / Maxwell Smart

Occurs when a player tries to make a comeback on the last ball and fails to pass the opponent’s score by less than 1%.

You can tell if someone got “Heartbroken” when players and bystanders are talking about how close the game was, and then they start taking pictures of the final score.

Also known as the Maxwell Smart because the player “missed it by that much”. (“Maxwell Smart” suggested by Joshua Senzer)

See more Heartbreakers by searching for “Heartbreakers” on Fun With Bonus.

Click here for more “Heartbreakers.”

See also: Ace (opposite)

Here’s my own personal Heartbreaker / Maxwell Smart. If you have a picture of a Heartbreaker, send it my way with information on the players involved in the game, and I’ll post it here.

8 on the Break League game – A difference of 0.004%

More heartbreakers:

Theatre of Magic: LCP Monthly Event

A difference of about 1/10000th of 1% (.99999959).  I can only imagine how long it took for people to realize who won after darting their eyes back and forth to the two scores. Then, to see the moment of realization slowly set in.

TOM - 40 points - HB

Theatre of Magic – Submitted by: Adam Lefkoff – A difference of 0.000041%

Pittsburgh Pinball League – AC/DC LE

Pittsburgh Pinball League

Pittsburgh Pinball League – AC/DC LE – A difference of 0.018%

Fish Tales

Submitted by: Cyrss Stephens

Submitted by: Cryss Stephens – A difference of 0.725%


Submitted by @WVPinball - A difference of 0.37%

Submitted by @WVPinball – A difference of 0.37%


Heartbreaker - JillJasik v AndyRosa

Jill Jasik v. Andy Rosa – A difference of 0.293%

Now that's messed up! - Picture by Joe Said

Now that’s messed up! – Picture by Joe Said