
Karl DeAngelo has just posted a video of the final wizard mode on Jersey Jack’s The Wizard of Oz.

He was mindful to post sufficient spoiler warnings for those of you who don’t want to see it. As for me, I don’t mind spoilers at all. Besides, unless WOZ shows up at my local arcade, I am not going to have the time or the energy to get to the final mode, so I was glad to see it.

So if you don’t want to see it, why are you here? Well, certainly DON’T go to time index 3:20 in the video.


In this case, the mode is spoiled … sort of. Given what is shown, and the fact the he is in the mode for only a short while, I am still not sure how deep the rabbit hole actually is. It sure seems fun and exciting, though and it’s a great way to top off Keith Johnson’s code, if he is in fact finished with the game.

SSB is the editor of the website Fun With Bonus, home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of a journeyman professional/amateur pinball player.

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