“Of course, this was a great honor, but it was also a great challenge.”

— Satoru Iwata, Game Developers Conference 2005 Keynote

PAPA TV will reveal all of the games from all of the Pinburgh 2018 banks on July 14 starting at 10 AM Eastern time. I have been challenged to play through every Pinburgh game! ALL of them, on stream, LIVE.

Yes, I am crazy … I mean NO! No, I’m not crazy.

From PAPA:

Pinburgh banks to be revealed on PAPAtv Live’s YouTube channel on July 14th!

The Pinburgh Bank Reveal, presented by deeproot Pinball, will take place on July 14th starting at 10 AM Eastern time. deeproot Pinball Ambassador Steve Bowden will be joining us live at PAPA World Headquarters to play through every Pinburgh game as we unveil all of the banks to be used in Pinburgh 2018.

In addition to his role as deeproot Pinball’s Ambassador, Steve Bowden is a world class pinball player and the administrator and creator of the pinball blog Fun With Bonus.

We are also pleased to announce that deeproot Pinball will be joining us as a sponsor for PAPAtv Live! deeproot Pinball is a new pinball manufacturer that will release their first games to the public in early 2019.

deeproot Pinball: http://deeprootpinball.com/

Fun With Bonushttps://funwithbonus.com/

PAPAtv YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PAPApinball

For details on how to become a PAPAtv sponsor, email sales@papa.org

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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