
The following was brought to my attention by Mark Henderson and the IFPA:

America’s Playable Arcade Museum in McLean, IL has applied for a business grant from Chase Bank to expand the museum. They must receive 250 votes by NOV 15 in order to qualify for the grant.

Please see their message below:

Simply click on this link and VOTE for my museum to receive this grant from Chase Bank:


That’s all you have to do!

This is a contest put on by Chase to grant money to 12 different small businesses. I need 250 votes in order to qualify for the next round. But I would really, really like to overwhelm them with far more votes than that.

This grant would allow me to:

  1. double the size of my museum, adding new games and genres to the offering.
  2. add a party room so I can host more large group functions.
  3. hire 2 more people to work at the museum.
  4. increase the open hours / times from 2 days a week to 7.
  5. do far more marketing / advertising / signage to promote the museum.

I already own the building next door, and I already have 1000+ more games to choose from as far as game expansion goes. I just need the money for some remodeling and operating costs to justify expanding the hours and hiring some people.

Chase will *GIVE* me the money to do this if I can win this contest.

Thank you so much for helping out with this. And thanks again to all of you who have traveled to visit the museum, made donations, sold me games, organized tournaments, spread the word, and helped in other ways.

I Voted