I don’t need to get the Wii U yet [Zen Pinball]
… Because I don’t see any improvement over the Xbox or PS3. My (admittedly flimsy) evidence for this? Star Wars Zen Pinball looks and sounds exactly the same on the recently released Wii U version
… Because I don’t see any improvement over the Xbox or PS3. My (admittedly flimsy) evidence for this? Star Wars Zen Pinball looks and sounds exactly the same on the recently released Wii U version
This week, Star Wars Pinball has been released. That means I’ll be firing up Xbox Live Arcade or PlayStation Network again, after a moderate hiatus, to play the new tables. It’s out of PC as well. The question is, for which platform will I get it?
SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY! Three tables, Zen Pinball. It looks promising. We all know the Boba Fett table will be the best selling, just because it’s Boba Fett.