Category: Tournaments

PINBURGH: Ticket Update!

PINBURGH: Ticket Update! – More tickets!
Super Supporter Option!

14 Pinburgh 2024 tickets are available to various businesses and locations …
Chicken option?!

EDIT: I hope you got in if you wanted a ticket.

Congratulations INDISC World Pinball Championship Series Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of the It Never Drains in Southern California (INDISC) World Pinball Championship Series of tournaments!

Over the weekend, the events accumulated over three million views on Twitch livestream broadcasts, including nearly two million views for the Open Championship Finals!

Pre-Expo FlipOut Tiebreaker starring … Old Chicago

It’s a one-ball, 17-way tie for 3 spots to make it into the Finals of the Enterrium Pre-Expo special event! Which game would provide the proper structure, respect and gravitas to separate the wheat from the chaff?
