Beer & Ball Festival week in Toronto
If you happen to be in the area of Toronto, Ontario, Canada then check out what is about to happen this coming week, May 11 – 15th.
If you happen to be in the area of Toronto, Ontario, Canada then check out what is about to happen this coming week, May 11 – 15th.
Pinball fans and gamers alike have just learned the secret twist that’s better than any M. Night ShamalamaDingDong film.
Ron Hallett, Jr. went to the Texas Pinball Festival which means this is the tour video you want to see. OK, fine I’ll post some others, too. For some reason, Jersey Jack’s The Wizard of Oz was in the tournament. Did that game get some sort of software update that makes it tournament worthy, and I missed it?
PinGame Journal and Pinball News with coverage of the Texas Pinball Festival.
Orlando, Florida – November 16-18, 2012. Here is a video from last year’s event which was produced by CBS affiliate WKMG. Sure, they commit the “audio sin of pinball journalism”, but the coverage was still good.