It’s Stall Ball using a Labyrinth Pinball game. In Stall Ball you get a group of people, hopefully a large group of sufficiently inebriated players. Then put them in a queue, and play the game one at a time. You play until you stall the ball in a lock or other device that stops the ball, or you drain. A successful ball stall means you are safe and the next player steps up. If you drain, you are out! The last one standing wins!
Be careful though. Since this is an electronically administered game of stall ball, the game can put some extra stipulations on the competition. Such as: Not all stalled balls are safe…
Video description:
“Houston pinball manufacturer Barrels of Fun decided to unveil the newest mode to their first pinball machine, Labyrinth, at the 2024 Houston Arcade Expo – and we were delighted to stream it! Rules designer Bowen Kerins served as MC as tons of Arcade Expo partygoers lined up for a huge game of stall ball.“