Version 1.0 includes a host of fixes, tweaks and NEW STUFF, including new choreography for the hot dog modes.
Also, R2-D2’s Shot Multiplier X enhancement is not the only perk that works now.
By default, 4th missions do not stack with other missions. So, goodbye to the multiball/mission straddle strategy.
LE/PREMIUM V1.00 - December 11, 2017 ==================================== Moved to System 1.88: - Reworked boot time displays for node board firmware update and locating node boards. - Added boot time display for overcurrent detected (shorted coil or LED) on node boards. - Added support for dynamic detection and isolation of overcurrent coils or LEDs. Previous behavior would disable all coils and LEDs for 1/2 second each time a short was detected. New behavior will determine the short coil and/or LED and disable only the offender. - Added tech alert for overcurrent coils and LEDs on node boards. New diagnostic test to retest node board and report with coils/LEDs are drawing too much current. Excessive current draw could be the result of a shorted coil, an incorrect replacement LED/incandescent bulb, shorted light socket, et cetera. - Every 15 minutes during attract mode overcurrent coils/led will be rechecked and returned to service if operating correctly. - Added adjustment for "GAME PLAY B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" - Renamed "BACKBOX BRIGHTNESS" to "ATTRACT MODE B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" Fixed: - FORCE targets will no longer play a sound effect when reset during game over or ball search. - MYSTERY, PICTOPOPS and SKILL SHOT were sometimes awarding LIGHT ESCAPE when it couldn't be lit. - The center instruction display panel, during main play, will now indicate when FORCE targets will award LIGHT VIDEO MODE correctly. - TIE FIGHTER ASSAULT now shows exploding TIEs immediately. - JEDI TRAINING now resets when selecting a new hero. - The CHOOSE YOUR PATH prompt will now be seen during LIGHTSABER DUEL READY - Corrected PICTOPOPS to only award ADD TIME when a timed or hurry up mode is running. - You can no longer start TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL while it is already running. - During JEDI MULTIBALL victory celebration, the ADD-A-BALL function was still enabled even though it would be lost if used. This has been fixed. - START MISSION as LUKE with multiple groups lit was displaying the wrong image for DEATHSTAR III: FIGHT TIE FIGHTERS. - CHOOSE YOUR PATH was offering HYPERSPACE HURRYUP when it wasn't playable. - Sometimes the "NEXT AWARD" shown on the small display for TIE achievement levels was not correct. - The HEADPHONE CABLE KIT DETECT switch during ACTIVE SWITCH TEST was overlapping the switch information. - The shot multiplier was always 1X when playing VIDEO MODE from HOTH I. It now uses the RIGHT INNER LOOP's multiplier correctly. - If LIGHTSABER DUEL was played multiple times, only the most recent victory or defeat was used to qualify towards JEDI MULTIBALL. Now any LIGHTSABER DUEL victory will qualify. - Very long tournament player names displayed during attract mode were being truncated. - Greatly improved process stability. The game will no longer hold on to the ball when it should not. Also the some of the mechanical devices will be better behaved. Also the screen should no longer freeze during TIE Fighter Assault. - Improved lamp effect resource allocation. The game will no longer crash from missing resources. - Sometimes Slave One would appear to be stuck or reappear too quickly on the background display. New: - Added a right eject ball save adjustment. If the adjustment is non-zero, the ball saver will activate for the amount of time of the adjustment whenever balls are ejected from the scoop. The factory default is zero. If you want to turn on 5 seconds is recommended. - Added sound fx to Advanced TIE reveals in the small display. - Added lamp effect when hitting FORCE targets. - Added lamp effects when ESCAPE is lit or used. - Added speech callouts when players are awarded some of the HSTD champions. - Added instructional speech for FORCE target awards except when in tournament mode. - Added audits for extra balls lit from TIE Fighter achievements and from the Advance TIE mini game. - Added speech for - TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL SUPER JACKPOT - VICTORY MULTIBALL - EXTRA BALL LIT - ESCAPE FROM BOBA FETT - Lighting missions - Shot Multipliers are DOUBLED - During TIE FIGHTER ASSAULT - The hurry up stages of DUEL ON CLOUD CITY and CLOUD CITY ESCAPE - The hurry up stages of REPAIR THE HYPERDRIVE and TIE FIGHTER ESCAPE - Lighting MYSTERY. - Starting HYPERSPACE MULTIBALL. - Added difficulty adjustments for JEDI TRAINING, LIGHTSABER DUEL and ESCAPE FROM BOBA FETT. - Added all difficulty adjustments to INSTALL functions (INSTALL EASY, INSTALL 3 BALL, etc.) - Added new rules and choreography to BATTLE ABOVE ENDOR: - To destroy the Death Star you need to first light the inner left loop. - To light the inner left loop you have to complete 3 other shots before the timer runs out. - Each shot will start a timer for the next shot. - The 3 bank will add time. The center target will add the most time. - If the timer runs out the Death Star will destroy a Capital ship and the mission will reset. You will need to complete 3 shots once more. - Once the inner left loop is lit, shoot it to destroy the death star. - Destroying the Death Star will take you to Victory Multiball. - Added new rules and choreography to ESCAPE FROM HOTH. To complete this mission you have to fire ion cannons so your transports can escape. Also you need to destroy an AT-AT. Afterward you will be able to get to the Falcon and "Punch it": - The spinner and pop-bumpers will build your award value. Shoot the left orbit 3 times to fire an ion cannon. Then the 3-bank will collect the last award of this part. - Afterward the 3-bank will continue to increase the award value. - Shoot the inner loop 4 times to wrap your tow cable around the legs of an AT-AT to bring it down. - Last two ramp shots are needed to light the final HOTH shot. - Shooting the final shot will allow Han and friends to escape from Darth Vader and start Victory Multiball. - Added new perk for playing Leia. Your shot multiplier is now +3X if you are playing as Leia and you are playing in a 4th Mission multiball. - Added compensation to the FORCE DROP TARGET BANK. If the DISABLE LEFT DROP TARGETS adjustment is set to YES, then the game will spot a FORCE target when any of the 9 standup targets are hit. The skill shot on the FORCE TARGETS will also be disabled. - Added new rules and choreography for ESCAPE FROM TATOOINE. - Shoot the alternating shots of left ramp and right inner loop to progress the story of Luke getting to the yacht, retrieving Leia, and exploding Jaba's Yacht. - There 9 parts to the story. - Along the way the 3 bank, right ramp, and right eject will increase your award value. - So you have a choice of going straight for the end or trying to maximize your scoring potential. - Completing the 9 shots will start Victory Multiball - Added a Perk for playing Han during ESCAPE FROM BOBA FETT. If you are playing Han during, each leg of the gauntlet will have higher base value. - Added a Perk for playing Luke during LIGHT SABER DUEL. If you are playing Luke during your base award value will be greater. Tweaked: - Shortened the time that the "ENTER YOUR INITIALS" display is on the screen when achieving high scores or champions. - Adjusted "ball in play" display alignment when language is FRENCH or ITALIAN. - Removed the lamp effect game start that showed hyperspace hurry-up is lit. - Changed the default master volume to 18 - The Adjustment that allows movie clips in the attract mode to play sounds now defaults to NO. IF YOU WANT THESE CLIPS TO PLAY SOUND USE THIS ADJUSTMENT. - The Adjustment that allows the Opening Text Scroll in the attract mode to play sounds now defaults to NO. IF YOU THE TEXT SCROLL TO PLAY MUSIC USE THIS ADJUSTMENT. - Improved the HYPERSPACE HURRYUP and VICTORY MULTIBALL JACKPOT award animations - The ball in play and shot multiplier are no longer displayed during MATCH. - Corrected the order of some lamp sweeps - Added a setting for the Mission stacking adjustment. Default is now 4th missions do not stack with other missions. - Improved the single post behavior in some edge cases. - HYPERSPACE MULTIBALL's parsec display corrected to 3 decimal digits of precision. - All GI strings are now lit during test mode. - The coin door GI was turning off and back on. This has been corrected. - Reordered TEST MENU FEATURE AUDITS into logical groupings. - Tweaked TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL JACKPOT and SUPER JACKPOT sound effect priorities. - The deprecated BILL VALIDATOR adjustment has been removed. - Enhanced the TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL SUPER JACKPOT display effect. - Removed the Adjustment Reduce intense lamp effects - Removed sound attenuation settings from French overrides. - During HYPERSPACE MULTIBALL, the PARSECS display will only increase while balls are active on the playfield. - The top lane inserts weren't visible during certain modes. They now light up on a timer when the ball is in the area. - If ESCAPE is lit and the ball misses the gate for some reason, the ball is now returned to the player. - Added Darth breathing effects to TIE FIGHTER MULTIBALL during SUPER JACKPOT. - Tweaked the VIDEO MODE collision lamp effects. - Adjusted the diagnostic values of some lamps, coils, and switches to match the manual. - Added time to DESTROY THE DEATHSTAR shot timer. This will make the mission a bit easier to complete and destroy the Death Star - Increased the ball save timer for all the multiballs by at least 5 seconds each. For most of them this means they will be 15 seconds now by default instead of 10. - While HYPERSPACE HURRY UP was running, the left orbit and right ramp arrows were solid yellow. They now cycle thru any other running mode's colors. - Tweaked the timing of some speech calls to more better hear them.
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
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