Imoto Arcade is at AYCE Gogi where they have a Beatles Platinum game. Apparently, AYCE is “All You Can Eat” and not “ACE” even though it looks like “ACE” when it’s written like “Ayce” and not “A.Y.C.E.”


From the video description:

Here is a gameplay video of Stern Pinball‘s new The Beatles BeatleMania Pinball – Platinum Edition Machine. 

With all the hype surrounding the release of this loosely re-themed Seawitch , I couldn’t wait to see it in person! Ayce Gogi is always one of the first locations in the country to get all the fancy newly released pins, so there I went, and there I found it! Platinum baby!!

The gameplay is fun with easy rules and goals to follow… and either it’s a low scoring game by theme, or we still have not even tapped into the rules yet!

The art package is super classy too… I’d love to record a video of this pin with the glass off and a professional camera & lighting setup to really show how beautiful the colors, graphics and overall flow of this game is… 

In this video, I wanted to capture how it feels to play this new pin in a bar-lighting environment. With what I had to work with… my iphone, lighting coming from basically only the pins themselves, Clark, and a few other volunteers, I tried to capture the warm glow and moodiness of this game. For some reason, I expected super bright piercing white lights to compliment the vibrant teal blue, but instead the playfield is gently lit overall by a incandescent/orange tone. I imagine this is strategically nodding to the era of the overall themed package, and I think it’s beautifully done… Bravo! 

…Am I over-thinking this??? Anyway, I think when you play this game, you’ll find it quite enjoyable!

Music by: Concerto Al Teatro Malibran – Magical Mystery “Got to Get You Into My Life”

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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