Category: Arcades

Tour of Mana Pinball

Pinball Shenanigans tours The Mana Lounge and covers their Metallica Remastered Launch Party. The top four scores return for one Final game to win the tournament.

Pre-Expo FlipOut Tiebreaker starring … Old Chicago

It’s a one-ball, 17-way tie for 3 spots to make it into the Finals of the Enterrium Pre-Expo special event! Which game would provide the proper structure, respect and gravitas to separate the wheat from the chaff?

TiltTrek: District 82

“TiltTrek visits the Midwest tournament hub, District 82 in Green Bay Wisconsin. We tour the place, interview owner Erik Thoren and the #1 female player in the world Kassidy Milanowski, and ask the question about being a whopper farm…”

Tour: The BEAST Pinball Tournaments at Pocketeer Billiards

Pinball Shenanigans provides a tour of Pocketeer Billards in Buffalo New York, including the battlefield set up for the BEAST Tournaments. Pocketeer has over 80 games in full working order at one time. The secret is their reserve bank of working games they have ready to replace ones that are down.
