Tag: Launch Party

Tour of Mana Pinball

Pinball Shenanigans tours The Mana Lounge and covers their Metallica Remastered Launch Party. The top four scores return for one Final game to win the tournament.

Cobra Kai, NEVER DIE!

Watch as @pinballfamily attempts to save a ball that is perched precariously on the inlane/outlane divider.

Ghostbusters NYC Launch Party #SlimerButt

Nick from Arcade Hunters got some footage of the NYC Launch Party as we all got our collective butts kicked by the center gap and the fools-gold double inlanes on Ghostbusters.

Modern friends … with benefits

Modern Pinball NYC will be running events to benefit Python Anghelo and Barry Oursler as well as a Launch party for Stern’s Mustang Pinball game.
