Tour of Mana Pinball
Pinball Shenanigans tours The Mana Lounge and covers their Metallica Remastered Launch Party. The top four scores return for one Final game to win the tournament.
Pinball Shenanigans tours The Mana Lounge and covers their Metallica Remastered Launch Party. The top four scores return for one Final game to win the tournament.
On Tilt Pinball will be holding a launch party for Legends of Valhalla by American Pinball. It’s this Saturday, December 18th, 2021 starting at 11:00 AM. They already have 39 players registered as of the writing of this post.
Watch as @pinballfamily attempts to save a ball that is perched precariously on the inlane/outlane divider.
Aerosmith is fun. Aerosmith is what Kiss wishes it could be. I hope it gets finished.
Nick from Arcade Hunters got some footage of the NYC Launch Party as we all got our collective butts kicked by the center gap and the fools-gold double inlanes on Ghostbusters.
Here is Ernie Hudson playing Ghostbusters for the first time.
It was good then, but notice how far it has come in such a short time.
It’s the Stern Game of Thrones launch party video where everyone says how good the game is. Don’t worry though. The game really is good.
Dead Flip does the pinball hobby a public service by broadcasting a livestream of the Pinball Expo 2014 Stern launch party.
Modern Pinball NYC will be running events to benefit Python Anghelo and Barry Oursler as well as a Launch party for Stern’s Mustang Pinball game.