Nick from Arcade Hunters got some footage of the NYC Launch Party as we all got our collective butts kicked by the center gap and the fools-gold double inlanes on Ghostbusters.
Here’s a look at the launch party for Stern Pinball’s newest game, Ghostbusters!! We had a great turn out of players who came to play all four games at Pioneers Lounge in New York City! Crazy Levi took the top prize with FunWithBonus’s own, Steve Bowden taking second place!
Big congrats to the winners and super special thanks to everybody who helped keep the tournament running great!
Since so many asked, here’s a link to the music used in both of our Ghostbusters videos from my pal! Hope you like it!
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
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