The Bros vs. The Bride
Don’t forget to gas up the Shuttle before you bring it back. Never mind those missing batteries and that misplaced giant Phillips-head screwdriver, everything’s fine.
Don’t forget to gas up the Shuttle before you bring it back. Never mind those missing batteries and that misplaced giant Phillips-head screwdriver, everything’s fine.
Insert a real €2 coin and the Lego Pinball Contraption activates.
Dutch Pinball has released a new gameplay video for their Bride of Pin*Bot 2.0 project. I had a chance to play this game recently at Pinball Expo, and it is justifiably awesome.
… but it is a real life pinball simulation. The twists and turns of this K’nex Pinball Machine remind me of Flipnic for the Playstation 2.
The Bride of Pinbot just got an upgrade! It looks like The Machine is finally going to be a fun game to play.
Check out this office that was converted into a giant pinball machine. The first thing I though was, “I’d like to go to a barcade that looks like this”.