Pinball wizards and moral decay?
“Believe it or not, in various places, pinballs could be and sometimes were used as gambling devices,” Reuter said. “But I don’t think it was a big problem. It was really moral crusading.”
“Believe it or not, in various places, pinballs could be and sometimes were used as gambling devices,” Reuter said. “But I don’t think it was a big problem. It was really moral crusading.”
John Reuter, host of the renowned Pin-Maine-ia tournaments, represents the hobby on WCSH6.
The Portland, Maine NBC affiliate posted a story about Pin-Maine-ia 7. So THAT’s why the giant camera was there. After over twelve hours of play, with swamp-ass and ball-sweat inducing conditions, and including the most intense game of Supersonic I’ve played in a long time, who would emerge victorious? ^_^