Hobbit test machine
The HOBBIT! IT’S OUT! tHe PrEcIouS!!! ThEy pLayS iT! tHeY PlAyS tHe PrEcIoUs!!! PiNaHoLiC hAs iT! hE hAs ThE prEcIoUs!
The HOBBIT! IT’S OUT! tHe PrEcIouS!!! ThEy pLayS iT! tHeY PlAyS tHe PrEcIoUs!!! PiNaHoLiC hAs iT! hE hAs ThE prEcIoUs!
Allen Cihak and Eddie Cramer go to the Jersey Jack Pinball Factory to get The Wizard of Oz machine ready to go on route in New York City.