pinballwiz45b vs. Demon’s Tilt: Occult Pinball Action
Virtual pinball master, pinballwiz45b takes on the unofficial spiritual successor to Alien’s Crush and Devil’s Crush: Demon’s Tilt, and puts the game through its paces.
Virtual pinball master, pinballwiz45b takes on the unofficial spiritual successor to Alien’s Crush and Devil’s Crush: Demon’s Tilt, and puts the game through its paces.
Hulk is ready to spell everything and combo everything.
Better than Opportunity, Better than Curiosity, better than Perseverance, it’s pinballwiz45b vs. Mars!
So much gold and treasure just waiting to be looted in this RPG pinball simulation. Onward to adventure!
When dinosaurs ruled the Earth, they certainly didn’t think about pinball games, especially ones that would have themselves or their friends in them.
A full tutorial on Space Cadet done live on twitch including a full game and a speedrun demonstration.
The goal of The Survival Challenge is to push the envelope and your score as far and as quickly as possible, all the while being pressured by an ever-present timer.
It’s time to go to the Wild West … and own it! Well, pinballwiz45b owns it. This is one lap of the game, so SPOILER warning.
Since this is a pinballwiz45b game ownage video, this is your SPOILER warning. This is one lap of the game.
With these SPOILERS being released, analyzed, and dissected concerning the upcoming new Star Wars IX film (it is 9, right?), here is gameplay of a pinball game based on a film we already know was good, The Empire Strikes Back.