Archer Update!
This time, Keith Elwin is testing out a new rocket launcher motor that was installed.
This time, Keith Elwin is testing out a new rocket launcher motor that was installed.
I like how the mode itself isn’t worth many points at all. A subtle dig at video modes in general.
This is one of those, “Hey check this cool thing out real quick!” type of videos. Can you name all of the games that were used in this project?
Whoa! Now wait a minute, here! The Elwin’s did this Archer pinball stuff first.
Eat that, pinball manufacturers! That’s some innovation right there.
Hey, listen up! An Archer pinball machine project exists!
It is your duty to play TX-Sector at some point in your pinball life.
Pinball 102 is coming… Here is a preview of what’s to come with a video on advanced strategies for Jurassic Park.