Super Duper Kooper Trooper Looper Wizard Mode
Karl DeAngelo posts a video of the process to get the the Super Duper Mega Extreme Wizard Mode in The Simpsons Pinball Party.
Karl DeAngelo posts a video of the process to get the the Super Duper Mega Extreme Wizard Mode in The Simpsons Pinball Party.
A journalistic review of The Simpsons Pinball Party by STERN, filmed by MyPinballArcade.
Roberto Gagno takes down two of pinball’s rare wizard modes: Valinor Multiball from The Lord of the Rings and The Super Duper Mega Extreme Wizard Mode from The Simpsons.
I love the editing on this piece. The pinball machines are cool too. Shot by Micah Moore, Rick Burnett and Blake Faucette. Edited by Blake Faucette. Filmed at Lost Ark Video Games in Greensboro, NC.
A sarcastic description of a player who loses a ball and resorts to cursing, slam tilting, rage tilting, etc. to release their frustration.