Beatles. Suddenly, Magneto!
Charles Xavier! I have traveled back through time to a Beatles concert. I will take control of the concert and use it to propel my dreams to fruition. Sacrifices must be made, Charles.
Charles Xavier! I have traveled back through time to a Beatles concert. I will take control of the concert and use it to propel my dreams to fruition. Sacrifices must be made, Charles.
The music of X-Men: The Heroes. I’m not saying I’m playing these tracks in my car as I’m travelling down the highway. I can neither comfirm or deny that is happening.
Bowen Kerins returns with a Patreon-supported PAPA Tutorial on X-Men by Stern Pinball. SEE the...
Back once again, for the Renegade Master! Back once again with the ill behavior!
You know what they say… A con is not a con without cosplayers. Actually, no one says that.
Jason Zahler [JAZ] completes the X-Men ring of Mutants and faces off against Danger herself.
Heartbreaker on X-Men: Flip Off Hunger, NJ Tournament
Nearly 30 minutes of X-Men LE gameplay on TourneyCam format by Keith Elwin. Includes one complete lap of the X-Men features (with the Danger Room), and nearly one lap of the Villains… with a cliffhanger ending?! Oh, no! ^_^
See how an audio track in X-Men pinball was built including its components using professional tools.
Top 8 qualify for each Final. Most games on coin drop. IFPA/WPPR points available for both competitions.