Tag: Deadpool

Fox Cities Pinball vs. Mister Sinister

Tom Graf goes beyond the MegaloDonkaloCronkaloCongoBongoWhatever and challenges the Mister Sinister FINAL Final we REALLY mean it THIS time kaiju big battel.

Sneaky Hex always works

It is a superpower rivaling the might of the most powerful superheroes.

If this power could be harnessed, it would become a most dangerous force to be reckoned with.

Deadpool battle royal

Is this the future of tournaments? Maybe not in “THE” future timeline but it could be a part of “A” future timeline when we re-emerge from the attack of the beverage bug.

Snikting on purpose with Deadpool

That’s right I said it. Snikting. I know it’s not a word, but in this Deadpool game, and in any X-Men comic with Wolverine in it, snikt is a word.
