Cirqus 32X
What if Cirqus Voltaire was released for the Sega 32X somehow? What might that sound like?
What if Cirqus Voltaire was released for the Sega 32X somehow? What might that sound like?
Matt is back with a new track based on Cirqus Voltaire! It’s a shocking experience!
Welcome to Rudy’s FunHouse. It’s just a casual day at the fair… Now, imagine that you are in Rudy’s FunHouse … Then, imagine that it slowly starts to wrap in on itself.
A wild remix appears!
Do NOT panic! Press the play button to return to your homes.
They may take our cows, our wives, even our pinball machines! But, they’ll never take our pinball remixes!
Thanks again to Matt Dibrindisi for submitting this to go on the Pinball Remix page.
Thanks and respect to Matt Dibrindisi for submitting this to go on the Pinball Remix page. There will be more to come. ^_^