“How I fell in love with pinball” [NPR: All Things Considered]
“On her first day as an official host of All Things Considered, Juana Summers shares some of the interests she’s bringing to the position — from the issue of gun violence, to pinball.”
“On her first day as an official host of All Things Considered, Juana Summers shares some of the interests she’s bringing to the position — from the issue of gun violence, to pinball.”
“I built this collection picking them up one by one, and I put them in my house,” says John Weeks, who founded the museum together with his son, Johnathan Weeks. “I’d fill up buildings with them, storage units.”
NPR speeds through the quick, fast, tl;dr version of pinball history.
NPR throws it’s two cents into the conversation about Jersey Jack’s Wizard of Oz and the pinball scene in general. Also featuring Molly Atkinson and Tim Arnold.