If it bleeds, we can flip it.
CaptNRetro analyzes the impact, or lack thereof, of Predator pinball on the pinball industry.
CaptNRetro analyzes the impact, or lack thereof, of Predator pinball on the pinball industry.
Skit-B Pinball presents an in-depth tutorial on their game, Predator. It includes all modes, features, stacking possibilities, Multiball and the wizard mode.
It’s Coast 2 Coast Pinball with a look at Predator from Skit-B Pinball. Includes an interview of Kevin from Skit-B.
Skit-B Pinball cooked up a story and put a game in a meat grinder. This is the result.
This year, the Allentown Pinfest event really did “step up its game”. Well enough that tournament players like myself made sure to take quality time away from qualifying to tour the facility and actually play some casual games.
Yes! This is a thing! George Carlin had a great line on things like this. “If you nail together two things that have never been nailed together before, someone will buy it.”
It’s a Predator Pinball update from Skit-B Pinball. Complete with old-timey, Ren & Stimpy-cheesy commercialness.