Welcome to EDZ’s Jurassic Park!
A dinosaur has been captured! Will you survive EDZ’s, Jurassic Park?
A dinosaur has been captured! Will you survive EDZ’s, Jurassic Park?
“Flip N Out Pinball’s Zach Unboxes The Official Stern Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pinball Topper.”
My Elvira-level pun aside, Jack Danger has a topper from Elvira House of Horrors. Gappa was angry. Screaming may have happened. Also, Dead Head Jack appears.
Yo, Elvira! What that topper do? Zach Meny shows us what it do.
All about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles topper.
Zach and Dennis get into the price of the new Jurassic Park topper and the game feature it activates. They discuss the precedent this might set as far as paying for game content that has been released after the game has launched.
With the Star Wars topper released and other toppers such as Black Knight and Medieval that look super detailed, are you looking to get one of these accoutrements?
Eclectic Gamers reviews more of whatever the heck happened at Pinball Expo 2019.
Jeff Parsons of Q97.9 FM and the Pinball Players Podcast talks about the amazing pinball machine topper that Mrs. Pin made for a Willy Wonka machine.
Pinball Supernova visits Pintastic New England. Includes gameplay of the custom Metroid Pinball machine and a look at the “ultimate pinball topper”