Take a chance on PAPAtv
Will we see any exploits? Any elevators breaking? Any Pop-o-Matic Craps?
Will we see any exploits? Any elevators breaking? Any Pop-o-Matic Craps?
Eight and one-half hours of pinball.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Wait, you have heard it?
It’s a very special episode of PAPA TV with Nip It, Robotron 2084 and Whodunnit.
I’d like to pre-emptively change the viewing angle on this game before I even boot it up. All that elevator in my face is just not going to work. If we can get that sorted out, then it should be fun.
Was this game supposed to be Clue? Because it should have been.
You must choose wisely, but you are not sure who this “Walter” character is or “Tex” either. Potentially, hundreds of millions of points are riding on a correct answer. So, Whodunnit?