Two-minute tutorial: The Shadow
We are not here to score points, we are here to defeat Khan.
We are not here to score points, we are here to defeat Khan.
Pinball Reviews reviews Terminator 2.
Here’s what I would like to happen instead of the repeating, 50 Million Super Jackpot phase:
Kevin Carrington covers history, trivia, and some Easter eggs.
#RedButton #TheStuntCows
TILT Pinball covers the game that doesn’t need a wizard mode because of the excitement that “The Triple” Multiball provides.
The hardest shot in Whirlwind is the opening plunge. Just getting the ball safely onto the playfield so you can make a flipper decision is the immediate danger. I mean you’ve just started the game and already you are about to throw yourself into trouble. Please just let me get the ball controlled on a flipper.
What happens if you know when “Sudden Death” will happen? Or if you didn’t know, you could find out? Welcome to the dangerous world of Rollergames as presented by Wormhole Pinball.
If they think you’re crude, go technical.
If they think you’re technical, go crude.
Ron Hallett, Jr. goes for Powerdown wizard mode. Ice T and pseudo-Keanu were there for comment.
“Welcome to Crazy Bob’s Cyberspace Good-Stuff Emporium! Where a shot into the Matrix will win you one of these awards!”
Two-time IFPA Georgia State Pinball Champion, Dalton Ely loads two balls into the skull with one shot! What does that mean?
Will a ball get stuck? Will the game get confused? NO! Everything is fine. Even better, he gets two, 50-Million point Super Jackpots in under 40 seconds.
Submitted for your approval, The Sneaky Hex. It is a power that must be wielded with care and discretion.
Rock! Rock! Rock and Rollergames!