Pinball News visits American Pinball (2023 Edition)
Before Pinball Expo began this year, Pinball News paid a visit to the American Pinball factory and offices for a tour of the facilities. Check out some of the things they saw.
Before Pinball Expo began this year, Pinball News paid a visit to the American Pinball factory and offices for a tour of the facilities. Check out some of the things they saw.
It’s the latest peek into the factory of Puns where Pinball Adventures happen.
Haggis Pinball gives an update on progress with Celts and Fathom.
This is followed by a tour of the Haggis factory describing the various sections and processes Haggis utilizes to create games.
“Take the best look behind the scenes at the Stern Pinball Factory in Elk Grove Village Illinois ever filmed!”
That new Star Trek movie is coming out. What a perfect time to get more Star Trek games on the line at the Stern factory! Ghosterbusters LE is here too.
The reports of his demise are greatly exaggerated and something something misquote.
Jersey Jack have recently announced that their second game, The Hobbit, is going into production.
Let’s look at something POSITIVE happening in the pinball manufacturing scene.
Production begins in earnest on Heighway Pinball’s Full Throttle game.
We’ve replaced this person’s coffee with coffee made by Stern Pinball. Let’s see if they notice the difference. (No wait, that’s the wrong coffee brand…)