Wormhole Pinball Presents: Steven Bowden
It’s about time I picked up a microphone again. I’m thinking about doing this more often. Thanks to Wormhole Pinball for a fun and engaging hangout.
It’s about time I picked up a microphone again. I’m thinking about doing this more often. Thanks to Wormhole Pinball for a fun and engaging hangout.
Just a couple of friends talking pinball.
Thank you for having me on your show, Jeff Teolis!
Ron Hallett and Bruce Nightingale interview members of the Galactic Tank Force team on this episode of the Slam Tilt Podcast.
There to tell them more about the game and the process of creating it were Dennis Nordman (Design), Paul Reno (Design), Jack Haeger (Art Director), Christopher Franchi (Artist), and Steve Bowden (Rules)
This episode features competitive player and commentator extraordinaire, Deborah Tahlman.
… after careful consideration … my tinfoil hat is securely fastened … as I wait for further intriguing developments.
“A new relationship podcast is born!”
Special When Lit covers The Musters release, including a roundtable with designers John Borg, Dwight Sullivan, Christopher Franchi, & Jerry Thompson.
They are already up to three episodes! At least you don’t have much of a backlog yet, so get started!
Tim Sexton and myself on SLAM TILT Podcast! It’s the unedited, not Patreon exclusive version, which is the only version.
Another pinball podcast?! Yes! ANOTHER pinball podcast! And ANOTHER, and ANOTHER until you come to your senses!