Tag: Super Jackpot

Terminator 2 – Pinball Review

Pinball Reviews reviews Terminator 2.
Here’s what I would like to happen instead of the repeating, 50 Million Super Jackpot phase:

Get the Super EXCELLENT! [Terminator 2]

Two-time IFPA Georgia State Pinball Champion, Dalton Ely loads two balls into the skull with one shot! What does that mean?

Will a ball get stuck? Will the game get confused? NO! Everything is fine. Even better, he gets two, 50-Million point Super Jackpots in under 40 seconds.

Rick and Morty vs 4-year-old

Morty look! It’s a Super Jackpot Morty! This 4-year old has more control than you Morty. MORTY?!

Wash your hands, Morty.

Triple Super Max Challenge!

For some reason , this video was put in the “Comedy” listings. Although, it is kind of funny to see that 150,000,000 up there on the board.
