The three-year process to get Magic Girl working
This presentation includes a breakdown of what needed to be done to each component and section of the game to get it to operate, or at least be functional, over the course of three years of work.
This presentation includes a breakdown of what needed to be done to each component and section of the game to get it to operate, or at least be functional, over the course of three years of work.
Narrated by CaptnRetro. Source material for video: Popular Science
The game was not available to be played, although it looked really nice …
Once upon a time, a BE-YOO-TI-FUL pinball machine was imprisoned in a disappointing set of geometry, gadgets and an incomplete ruleset.
A fascinating breakdown of a designer who had an idea, and the huge mess that resulted from its poor execution.
Magic Girl was revealed at Northwest Pinball & Arcade Show in Tacoma!
I listened to this podcast twice, back to back, and I have not one red cent invested in a Zidware product. That’s how compelling Coast to Coast Pinball episode 167 is.