Picture of the Day: POP Goals
A family with a child with Autism will be using a Stern Galaxy pinball machine as a part of the lesson plan.
A family with a child with Autism will be using a Stern Galaxy pinball machine as a part of the lesson plan.
… crappy Internet service can cause you to lose the ball on a physical pinball game!
“We were founded to bring joy to children through the game of pinball.”
BREAKING NEWS! Go to Dead Flip on Twitch TODAY at 6 PM Eastern/5 PM Central/3 PM Pacific and join the Pinball Outreach Project Charity stream! All donations go directly to POP today!
Nicole Anne Reik, Greg Dunlap and Keith Elwin join The Monday Sampler on Portland’s KBOO Community Radio.
Pinburgh, PAPA and Pinball Outreach Project are doing something very special… Also, what would be your “Mount Rushmore of Bonus Meltdowns”?
Coming up this weekend, August 31 – September 1, an event by the Pinball Outreach Project including Pin-Bowling and Pin-Tac-Toe.
The PAPA Circuit Final continues with Frontier, a game where if you hit a target that you wanted on purpose, you just might drain because of it. This game rewards those who can recover the best.
“The PinGolf event is a minimum of $10 and each player gets one round on the nine-hole course. You can, of course, donate as much as you want to and it would greatly help their advancement with this worthy cause.”
“To improve the lives of children by sharing the history and excitement of the game of pinball.”