Rollergames competitive gameplay at Space City Open
What happens if you know when “Sudden Death” will happen? Or if you didn’t know, you could find out? Welcome to the dangerous world of Rollergames as presented by Wormhole Pinball.
What happens if you know when “Sudden Death” will happen? Or if you didn’t know, you could find out? Welcome to the dangerous world of Rollergames as presented by Wormhole Pinball.
A character, nicknamed Daddy by the Hurry Up Challenge team, destroys their pinball dreams.
Rock! Rock! Rock and Rollergames!
“Lace up your skates and come check out what’s going down in the CaptN’s Garagecade!”
Stew was kicking so much butt that he was able to steal his own locked balls.
What if sports entertainment met Roller Derby, and then you added a wall off to the side and a pit for some reason?
You may be tempted to say that Rollergames sucks. You would be wrong though.
Mark from Classic Game Room reviews Rollergames at PAPA World Headquarters. This game really is as fun as it seems in the video. Try to master the left loop to left ramp combo.