From July 1, 2012 to September 21, 2020 (a total of 3005 consecutive days), I have been posting about the pinball scene. That will stop after today. The site is not closing, but it will be undergoing a transition.

Since I am Rules Designer for deeproot Pinball, I am biased in certain aspects and will be rightly called that by others, as I continue my career in pinball development for this company.

To address this, I’ve decided to make mainly a deeproot focused online presence while adding my perspective as Rules Designer. Although the site will be more focused on deeproot, it will not be “deeproot only”. I will continue to bring attention to other happenings in the pinball scene as I have done before. However, posts will no longer happen every day. My goal is to produce better content moving forward.

Some sections will be brought over to the new style. For example, I plan for The New Pinball Dictionary to remain and to devote more time to expand it with more entries. Other sections may be retained as well.

Tomorrow (9/22/2020) I will not post anything pinball related here, and the site may be brought into a maintenance mode as I transition. Thank you for the motivation over these past 8+ years. I hope you continue to check out when it changes over to a new format.

For now, if you have been a visitor to this site for some time, I’m sure you know about This Week in Pinball. They do a great job keeping us updated on what’s going on in the pinball scene. Make sure to visit This Week in Pinball for the latest in pinball news coverage. I certainly will.

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

DogeBumper!Beware! I live! Facebook- IconTwitter-Icon Doge!
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