Do you want epic music? The Hobbit Pinball from Jersey Jack will have the epic music of epicness that you need.
Though, I must admit I thought I was watching a Game of Thrones pinball video when it first started.
(WIE-ner. Wiener-WIE-ner. Wiener-WIE-ner. Wiener-WIE-ner. Wie-ner … )
Introducing “The Hobbit” pinball machine from Jersey Jack Pinball with musical score from Two Steps From Hell. As huge pinball enthusiasts, TSFH chose to support the creation of the most technologically advanced, mind blowing pinball machine ever made!
Quoting Two Steps From Hell on Facebook:
“There are about 35 tracks in the Hobbit. A few from Battlecry, a few from Classics 2 and a few from other albums, but the vast majority of tracks are new unreleased”
Introducing "The Hobbit" pinball machine from Jersey Jack Pinball with musical score from Two Steps From Hell. As huge pinball enthusiasts, TSFH chose to support the creation of the most technologically advanced, mind blowing pinball machine ever made!
Posted by Two Steps From Hell on Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
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