Listen, I’m just sitting here in my car trying to watch this drive-in movie,

Just chilling out with this hotdog that I just got from the concessions stand,

And you mosey on up in your big, hearse-looking boatmobile car and park right in front of me, blaring some music on full volume.

That’s messed up! You see me back here, too. Don’t you?

Look, I’m going to give you just 15 seconds to get the heck out of the way, or I am going to have to use certain … remedies to rectify the situation.

Move it, now! I may have access to a rocket launcher and tactical nuclear weapons if you don’t do what you know is right.

Do you doubt me? Well, why don’t you ask the snackbar guy about the things I can do? You can’t find him, can you?! Well, maybe you should take that fact under advisement.

CFTBL- Move Your Car (Electro Swing Remix) by Matt Dibrindisi

SSB is the editor of the website Fun With Bonus, home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of a journeyman professional/amateur pinball player.

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