Mike Primeau interviews Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies. There are too many good topics to list in a preview here.

In this episode, we have the pleasure of sitting down [with] Ed Robertson of Barenaked Ladies, to learn a great deal about his world of play….and yes, it even includes board games. But, second only to music, it’s pinball that has become Ed’s go to escape. This rediscovered hobby has some striking similarities to the thing that feeds the board game junkie. So sit back and enjoy!

(This is a late post due to the fact the I shared it on Facebook already, but after checking I saw that I forgot to post it on dotcom.)
(Go to the Facebook Group to find quick shares as I find them, and share your pinball stuff too, before the signal-booster post appears on FunWithBonus.com)

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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