Kaiju WPC Finals1

Hey, Godzilla. You’re up!

This building looks like a GIANT wedgehead pinball machine. It’s even got legs on the bottom. All it needs is a plunger and some flipper buttons and we could have a new “War of the Monsters.”

No tilting because people might fall out of the “machine.” Slide saves would cause some real damage.

Which kaiju would be the best pinballer?

I’ve received word from Emmanuel M. on facebook that this is called “Euralille Tower” and it’s in Northern France.

Google/Wiki confirms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euralille

I’d be thinking about pinball everyday if I lived near here.

SSB is the editor of the website Fun With Bonus, home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of a journeyman professional/amateur pinball player.

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