The main gameplay theme to Domino’s Spectacular Zombie Pinball Adventureland has been stuck in my head all day.
That main theme music sounds like every game show … ever. Put an applause sound effect over it and it would sound like all of the game shows ever smashed together into one giant classic era game show. Is this the sound of buying and eating Domino’s pizza?
OK… here are just a few of the things the the main theme music reminds me of. It’s gotta be that bass-line that does it. Maybe this will help me drive the Domino’s music from my brain.
Wordplay intro
Wordplay Opening Theme
Press Your Luck Opening Theme (I swear the Domino’s music can mash up with this.)
Press Your Luck Closing Theme
(I can’t post the opening theme without the closing … that would be disrespectful.)
… help me … I can still hear the Domino’s music … it’s SO CATCHY!
Time for some old school!
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
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