Article "A Stern Conversation: The State Of Modern Pinball"

Article “A Stern Conversation: The State Of Modern Pinball”

At first I thought Game Informer was talking about Modern Pinball NYC. Actually they are talking to Jody Dankberg from Stern Pinball about the company and the state of pinball today.

Warning! The following sentence appears in this article, unchallenged by the post maker:

“Stern is the only company making pinball tables for a living.”

Let that marketing, corporate-speak marinate in your head for a moment.

Now that you’ve finished thinking about that declarative statement, you may now continue to read the rest of the article here.

A Stern Conversation: The State Of Modern Pinball – by Game Informer

SSB is the editor of the website Fun With Bonus, home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of a journeyman professional/amateur pinball player.

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