excuse_001 - Out of beer

Kansas is looking to finally legalize pinball in liquor stores … in the year 2020.

Wow. Hey I don’t drink very often, especially while I am playing pinball. However, I still know that alcohol and pinball fit together quite nicely in most social situations.

It just makes sense. You go to the liquor store anyway to get the liquor to bring back to play pinball. Might as well have some pinball at the liquor store where you are getting the alcohol in the first place.

Why would it take 6 years to reverse a law that obviously needs reversing?

The articleKansas Prepares To Legalize Pinball In Liquor Stores – by: The Escapist

SSB is the editor of the website Fun With Bonus, home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of a journeyman professional/amateur pinball player.

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