Project Pinball’s Offical Documentary Trailer for our upcoming documentary.

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Project Pinball Charity Group, Inc. is dedicated to providing recreational relief to our small patients and their families as well as the physicians and nurses who care for them at our local Children’s Hospitals. A pinball machine is a powerful instrument that offers therapeutic benefits which fits perfectly with the dynamics of a hospital environment. It helps keep patients active and mobile while also providing amusement. We provide all the equipment, parts, supplies and the regular maintenance at no cost to the Children’s Hospital. We are finding out with every visit and every testimony how powerful one pinball machine in the right setting can be!

Several studies have shown that therapeutic play is effective in decreasing anxiety and fears for children from the time of admission through the time of discharge. By having the opportunity to “get away” and play pinball for a bit the patient, and many times their families too, see an improved quality of life through the distraction provided.





Project Pinball places machines into the Children’s hospital. These machines are owned by, serviced, maintained, and kept in top working order by Project Pinball volunteers. This allows the hospital to provide top quality entertainment to their patients with no cost to the hospital.

Partnering with Project Pinball Charity Group is a win-win for hospitals and patients. There is no cost to the hospital. Machines are placed on FREE PLAY to allow for endless hours of entertainment. Project Pinball staff and volunteers move, install, and maintain the machines, thus there is no cost to the hospital or patients, ever.

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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