When I first saw this I was thinking, this is the most metal tournament ever, because if you don’t win … you gonna die! ^_^

THEN, I saw it was in Rhode Island, and I was like, “OH! It’s RIP because that must mean Rhode Island Pinball, right?. That makes sense.


But THEN, I read about the World Series part of the event where you get 27 strikes, and I was like 27 STRIKES?! That tournament will take FOREVER!

But THEN, saw it was 27 OUTS, not strikes and you get outs based on where you finish each round. 1st place gets 0 outs, 2nd place gets 1 out, third place gets 2 outs, and last place gets 3 outs. So essentially, it’s like losses. If you gather 27 total losses, you lose.

But THEN, I thought, “Wow, that’s STILL going to take a lot of rounds to do, because even a person who gets last place in every game is guaranteed 9 rounds of play.”

If you are not going to Pinball Expo, and you are in the Northeast, it looks fun though. It’s limited to 24 people because more would take a REALLY long time to complete. So, if you are interested, hurry and sign up.

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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