
“Are the physics physic-y enough? YES! Yes they are.”

Prepare to do all the pinball-y tricks and stuff while you get gold, experience points, mana, upgrade your weapons and destroy things.

And now, a relaxing look at Rollers of the Realm by Kotaku:

Presenting, a not-as-relaxing look at Rollers of the Realm by “The Gaming Hermit”

Have you purchased Rollers of the Realm yet? You have? Good on you for supporting indie pinball developers. Phantom Compass have done a great service for the pinball community. How much will this service cost you? Only $9.99!


If you haven’t purchased Rollers yet, well then, “right this way old man!”

Also available on Playstation 4.

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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