SFGE_PAPA_TV Full video coverage of the 2014 Southern Fried Gameroom Expo Championship. It was an exciting final round, and personally I had an interesting journey through it. From the struggles of missing everything, to the satisfaction of last ball comebacks, to triple-simuldraineous futility. Also, Adam Lefkoff gets the bounce back of the decade at time 03:36:20 into the video. Prepare to be amazed!

arrows Starring at commentary are: Mark Steinman, Adam Lefkoff, Bryan Broyles, Pete Hendricks, Doug Polka, Brian Dye and not Darth Vader. At least not yet.

No, I am your PAPA Circuit Champion! (Image: PAPA.org)

No, I am your PAPA Circuit Champion! (Image: PAPA.org)


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SSB is the editor of the website Fun With Bonus, home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of a journeyman professional/amateur pinball player.
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