Go to the Facebook Event Page for more information:

From Level 256:

Last person standing goes home with a Led Zeppelin Pro! Random prize drawings throughout the day! Food will be provided!
This will be an 8 strike tournament with the following format:
Random Seeding
Balanced Pairing
Random Playing Order
Balanced Arena Draws
Two Strikes 4-Player Group
Two Strikes 3-Player Group
$150 to enter and pre-registration is required to compete in this tournament. Registration ends on 7/9/2022. There will be a maximum of 40 players. Doors will open at 12:00PM for warm-ups and the tournament will start at 1:00PM.
To go https://level256arcade.com/highstakes to register!

DogeBumper!Beware! I live! Twitter-Icon
Devils Crush Remix!Doge!
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