But, wherefore art thou Magic Girl?
If Magic Girl speculators will be made whole, then it’s the pinball story of the year (at least). Otherwise this is just a flipping red herring, Or a strawman. Or some pinball machine equivalent of a “look over there” distraction.
Pinball Expo has become even more interesting. Can American can really do this machine for $6500? That would at least throw some jabs and body blows at Batman 66.
I hope I don’t jinx it by saying things appear to be looking up. Can we flip it at Expo?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here's 3. We're at the G2E show, booth 4105 if you'd like to stop by and see it for yourself.
Posted by American Pinball on Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Also, more input needed. Why you no video?
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