Look! It’s card #10! Maybe if this keeps going, there can be as many cards as The Walter Day Collection. #YeahRight
The Tournament Director is a vital part of the competitive pinball community. Those who choose to take on the mantle of TD realize they must show patience, consistency, and stoicism. This card doesn’t have much to do with those qualities, though. That means there might have to be a “Tournament Director II” card with stuff like Warning, Yellow Card and Red Card once I figure out what those would mean. #DontThinkTooHardAboutItJustDoIt
Also, that picture in the main section is part of Kevin Stone’s Pinholics Anonymous Tournament Director Laminated Guide Sheet. I don’t know what else to call it, so I’m going with that. That sheet of quick hints is a helpful way to stay consistent with rulings.
Click here to see more Mega-R-Cade!! cards.
Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.
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