
This episode of Pinball Done Quick features Chris Newsom as he goes for the 100,000,000 Wet Willie’s award on Whitewater.

To do this, you need to work your way through the rafts making shots to advance to each one. Then start Wet Willie’s which is the final raft.

While in Wet Willie’s, you need to collect all of the hazards again and then shot a final travelling hazard shot to get the hundred million award.

Because the game is in factory settings, there are some random features that can help or hinder your progress. Getting “Advance 3 Rafts” as a mystery award will boost you forward tremendously, but having to shoot more “Boomerang Bend” shots can really set you back.

Let’s follow Chris as he does commentary through his run.

Fun With Bonus is the home of the semi-coherent, misguided ramblings of professional and amateur pinball players.

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